<aside> ☝ This guide is a simple walkthrough for the first time you set up the project repository, from branch protection settings, issue templates, to setting up continuous integration.


Creating the Repository using a Template

You can use our MERN template to initialize a repository using the MERN stack complete with documentation, deployment configuration with Vercel, and CI workflows for linting, formatting, and testing!

Creating the Repository from Scratch

Repository Settings

Go to the 'Settings' tab of your newly created repository.


The goal here is to streamline the features available in your repository, so information is better consolidated and more easily found. You can disable everything except for restricting editing, issues, and preservation.

Merge Button

Again here we are streamlining what is available to the repository – code should only be merged into the main branch via squash merge, which condenses the commit messages.

"Automatically delete head branches" should be enabled to automatically delete the branches after merge. This prevents floating dead branches, as described with the image on the right. That way, all branches are active.