Setting up for Mac OS X is pretty simple. In this guide, we will install Python3.7 and Node.js on your computer via the command line.

Installing HomeBrew

First off, install HomeBrew, a savvy package manager for Mac. It saves lives.

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL <>)"

Next, we need to insert the Homebrew Directory at the top of your PATH. Thus, go to ~/.profile and open it with your favorite text editor. Create the file if you don't have one and at the end of the file put in:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH

Installing Python3

Install and link python3 and pip3 (pip3 comes with python3)

$ brew install python3
$ brew link python3

Then, install Pipenv:

$ brew install pipenv

Installing Node.js

$ brew install node
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade node